Vertex Troubleshooting

Purpose: Troubleshooting information includes:

Processing Errors

Tax Calculation Rules

Processing Errors

Troubleshooting for the integration between CWSerenade and Vertex begins with checking the TRACE.log file. This file is typically located under C:\CWDirectCP\Logs\TRACE on your CWSerenade server, where C: is the default drive.

Error in TRACE.log File


How to Correct:

Initial Configuration Issues

ERROR TRACE - Class not found:

ERROR TRACE - TAX_INT web service error: - null

A required class was not installed during the initial installation process.

Contact your MICROS representative.

ERROR TRACE - AxisFault exception in invoke method of exception on AXIS invoke: User login failed: invalid_user.

; nested exception is:

User login failed: invalid_user.

Possible causes:

• An incorrect user ID and password were entered as the UserName and Password in the VertexWS.xml File, or

• The user ID specified in the VertexWS.xml File was not created correctly in Vertex.

Check the contents of the VertexWS.xml File and confirm that the user ID and password exist in Vertex and have authority to the correct partition in Vertex. See Set up Data within Vertex and your Vertex documentation for more information.

After you change the user ID and password in the VertexWS.xml File, you need to stop and restart CWSerenade. See Restarting CWSerenade for more information.

ERROR TRACE - AxisFault exception in invoke method of exception on AXIS invoke: SAX processing failed on input stream

SAX processing failed when attempting to create new element. (parent element=com.vertexinc.tps.xml.calc.parsegenerate.builder.ParticipantData, new element=null, local element name=PhysicalOrigin

No physical origin is being passed. The physical origin is the address of the warehouse for the order detail line. Possible causes:

• The Default Values by Company XML File was not set up correctly

• Warehouse list setup in CWSerenade is not correct

Default Values by Company XML File: Confirm that the file exists for the company, contains valid data, and is in valid XML format.

• See Working with Warehouse Lists (WWHL) for information on setting up warehouse lists in CWSerenade.

AxisFault exception in invoke method of exception on AXIS invoke: SAX processing failed on input stream

Non-fatal error detected during SAX parsing. Verify document against schema or contact document supplier. (URI=null, line number=30, error=cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '' is not a valid value for 'integer'.)

The Default Warehouse (A04) is not listed in the Warehouses XML File.

Warehouses XML File: Confirm that the Default Warehouse (A04) is included in this file.

Tax Calculation Failing After Initial Setup

ERROR TRACE - AxisFault exception in invoke method of exception on AXIS invoke: ; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect

Vertex is no longer communicating with CWSerenade.

Confirm that the Vertex server is running, and restart it if necessary.

ERROR TRACE - AxisFault exception in invoke method of exception on AXIS invoke: An error occured during CalcEngine.calculateTax. This may be an incorrect use of the calculation engine. Please contact your software vendor.

Error trying to calculate tax.

Cannot find tax areas. Please verify that the address or tax area id provided for the location is correct and retry.

The postal code passed in the tax request message from CWSerenade is incorrect, or is associated with a city that does not exist in Vertex. To confirm, log onto Vertex and advance to the Tax Area Lookup Tool, then search for the shipping address that is causing the error. A message such as the following indicates that the postal code is incorrect:

No tax areas were found during the lookup. The address fields are inconsistent for the specified asOfDate. (Street Information=24 PRIME PKWY, Postal Code=01701, City=NATICK, Sub Division=null, Main Division=MA, Country=USA, As Of Date=20060627)

Correct the postal code information in CWSerenade.

ERROR TRACE - AxisFault exception in invoke method of exception on AXIS invoke: ; nested exception is: No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?): connect

The CWSerenade server is out of memory.

Reboot the CWSerenade server.

ERROR TRACE - AxisFault exception in invoke method of exception on AXIS invoke: (404)Not Found; nested exception is:

(404)Not Found

The URL specified for Vertex in the Vertex wsdl (Web Service Definition Language) File is incorrect.

1. Stop CWSerenade.

2. Delete the calculate-tax-40.wsdl.bin file (See Vertex wsdl (Web Service Definition Language) File for more information).

3. Correct the URL in the Vertex wsdl (Web Service Definition Language) File.

4. Restart CWSerenade.

See Restarting CWSerenade for more information.

Miscellaneous Log Messages

WARN TRACE - WARNING:Responses for DISTRIBUTE not found in configuration xml.

The log includes this message when CWSerenade requests tax information for an order that includes a tax override.

No need to correct; message is informational only.

Tax Calculation Rules



New settings in Vertex apply when you use the Vertex Transaction Tester, but not when CWSerenade requests tax information

If you have Vertex configured to cache information for improved performance, it might be retrieving tax rules from cached information when CWSerenade requests tax information. Caching does not apply when you use the Transaction Tester. Consult your Vertex documentation for more information on configuring caching.

An item on an order is not taxable based on its item or product class settings in Vertex, or on the Tax override flag for the order line; but there is still tax on the order

Even if an item on an order is not taxable, freight, handling, gift wrap, additional freight, and duty can still be subject to tax.

You receive an order that includes an item with a tax override through the generic order interface, but the order line is still taxed

Even if the tax_override flag is set to Y in the inbound order message, CWSerenade does not apply a tax override unless the inbound order message also specifies a tax amount greater than zero for the order line.

You make a change to the Vertex wsdl (Web Service Definition Language) File, but the changes do not take effect

Before your changes take effect, you need to delete the current copy of the calculate-tax-40.wsdl bin file and restart CWSerenade. See Restarting CWSerenade for more information.

You change the user ID and password in the VertexWS.xml File, but the changes do not take effect

Before your changes take effect, you need to restart CWSerenade. See Restarting CWSerenade for more information.

Vertex troubleshooting OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN